5 /5
From the Sti Restaurant Queve to the Ninterse Pore, the Malentendido Quée Cóorio Haas Poko Konnos Paroduktos Quay Faltbaan Ele Menu. Caveria Dekirle Quay No. Nessario Quay Le Comenta Nada Sus Trabajadores or Quentiendo Quaye Furnah Symple Confusion, Sobere Todo Cone Nousteros Idiomas, Sympere Nos. Han Partado Muy Beany Pore Luna Xavivocaion No Creo Quay Seva Nessario Darle Mass Importankaia Seguiré Comindo Lily or Queves Misena. I wanted to thank the owner of this restaurant that he recently interested in small misunderstandings with some products missing from the menu. I want to tell you that you don’t have to say anything from your workers because I understand that it was a simple illusion...