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Teuzar! And on the Basin for the crêperie part soon, marplic’h! When a Breton, Delphine, from Pont l’Abbé, comes out his Krampouz bilig and invites us to come and taste with charming guests, cakes and Breton pancakes soon on the map of his restaurant, that is ... how to say? As if the South Finistère had invited himself to his table! Killing! Then, when it opens from the end of the work, rush to the restaurant "Le ponton de Cassy" in Cassy LANTON. Her talented husband Bruno, in another register, in the furnaces, will treat your taste buds. A most pleasant welcome will be booked as a bonus. A popular address from all of us, who's going to become a Breton marker. We missed it on the basin.