5 /5
Honestly, I didn't expected to find such a wonderful restaurant... It has everything which you could just dream about: magical location, which help you to feel the romance of the place, good and pleasant service, delicious seafood! However, the most rare and unexpected thing for me was a pesronalized approach which was delivered by the restaurant-keeper. It really touched me. I recommend this place by heart! You won't regret. Thank you for a wornderful evening! Честно говоря, я не надеялась найти в Ментоне столь прекрасное место, которое сочетало бы в себе: великолепное обслуживание, магическую романтическую локацию, вкуснейшие морепродукты и прочее. Но больше всего, меня покорил индивидуаль...